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Set up PTR record (Reverse DNS) for AT&T connections

If you need to set up a PTR record for an AT&T static IP, go to http://attis-dns.sbcglobal.net and fill out the form for reverse DNS from their server IP to their domain name (example: mail.domain.com or...

DNS errors in browsers while using a D-Link router

Some versions support “Advanced DNS” and are set that way by default. This means they automatically route all internet usage through OpenDNS servers which scan for phishing and block various...

ASUS RT-AC68U 2.4ghz wifi signal sucks, but 5ghz wifi is fine

When using a dual band wifi router, anyone connecting to the 2.4ghz network would only work about 5 feet from the device and die off / drop signal as soon as you moved away from it. This is for an ASUS...

Setting up and creating RemoteApps SBS 2011

RemoteApps are like connecting to a server via RDP and then opening an application, but skipping the middle man and this will open the application as if it was on their machine. Keep in mind it runs like a...

Dynamic IP Mail Server Issues, Smarthost Through Comcast on Exchange 2010 / SBS 2011

So the issue is you have a Comcast dynamic IP (in this case, unknowingly) and you set up exchange mail server to take in mail at that IP. As soon as you start sending mail, you realize you are on a blacklist...

Add Reverse DNS, RDNS, for static AT&T Internet Service

According to the tech support rep at ATT internet services (800-833-2120). The current email address to send reverse DNS requests to is: prov-dns@att.com AT&T/SBC Internet Services (DNS...