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Corrupt Windows profile v2

Fixed issue where it wouldn’t log in saying “the user profile service failed the logon” and “user profile cannot be loaded”. Going in through safe mode loaded a default...

Reset DNS on a Windows Machine (DNS Flush)

From an Elevated command prompt Ipconfig /flushdns Ipconfig /registerdns Net stop netlogon Net start...

DHCP service stops when it encounters another DHCP server (SBS only)

DHCP service on the SBS server stopped running. Checking the event viewer showed that it was stopped because it found a duplicate DHCP server on the network. In SBS servers, the DHCP services default...

Save command prompt results to a text file

To write command line results to a text file, add the following to the end of your command before running it: > "C:\<your path here>\<your file name here>.txt" Command prompt will output to...

Disable Java update checks from the Windows registry

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy\ In that folder, change EnableJavaUpdate from 1 to 0. Java should not ask to update...

Security log on the system is full

Full error is “Security log on the system is full. Only administrators can log no to fix.” When trying to log into the workstation. It seemed to only affect Windows XP machines. Open the Event...