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How to Limit Exchange RAM Usage in Exchange 2007 and 2010

This should only be used when ram usage is unexplainably high. In some cases it can use 8gb and causing the server to hit 95% or more ram usage at all times. By default, exchange will eat up ram to make itself...

Get Into Mailbox Using OWA of a User You Don’t Have a Password For And Cannot Change

For exchange 2007 / 2010 (OWA) Useful if you don’t have the password and can’t change it to get into a mailbox. Typically used for managers or owners auditing employees email activity without alerting the...

Exchange 2010 GAL Segregation / Segmentation

Basically, this will separate the global address lists (GALs) in exchange 2010 SP2 so you can host multiple organizations and they won’t pick up each other. You must have Exchange 2010 SP2 or better, and it...