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Set a Virtual Machine’s automatic stop action from PowerShell

If you use a virtual machine on Hyper-V Core to manage the Hyper-V operating system, you cannot make changes to the virtual machine that require powering it off because you can’t access the Server...

Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to RDP session or Hyper-V Console session

Ctrl+Alt+End (the key right next to Del) will send Ctrl+Alt+Del to the remote...

Security log on the system is full

Full error is “Security log on the system is full. Only administrators can log no to fix.” When trying to log into the workstation. It seemed to only affect Windows XP machines. Open the Event...

Script to return total number of enabled users in Active Directory

This script ran from a command prompt will present you a text file which can be opened in Excel that will list all ENABLED active directory users. Useful for quoting licenses. dsquery * -filter...

Save command prompt results to a text file

To write command line results to a text file, add the following to the end of your command before running it: > "C:\<your path here>\<your file name here>.txt" Command prompt will output to...