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Flush DNS on Mac OSX

OSX 10.4 lookupd -flushcache OSX 10.5-10.6 sudo dscacheutil -flushcache OSX 10.6-10.8 sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder OSX 10.9 dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder OSX 10.10 sudo...

Find file paths that are over 260 character limit

Run this tool to find out which files have a file path that is too long. Useful if you’re having issues with automated backups and restores, for...

File Replication Service won’t stay on, corrupted FRS Jet Database

You can run cmd as administrator and input the following commands to stop NetLogon and Ntfrs services and rename the database files and then restart the services (If any other dependecies are stopped, you...

Extract files from Offline Files when the shared folder is no longer available

So when you use offline files, it stores the offline changes in a binary database in c:\windows, you cannot access it natively. You can view the contents of the binary database, and it seems to follow that if...

Extend system partition on Server 2003 using Dell’s ExtPart

The normal method (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325590/en-US) using diskpart doesn’t work on the C drive. Supposedly if you can put in the server 2003 boot disc you can make it work, but I did not...